Our story
Our story
ELIN cosmetics was founded by make-up artist and beauty journalist Sabine Peeters. Since 2007 she has been working full-time in the beauty industry and has developed a style in which she wants to emphasize the beauty and personality of her clients. Makeup should give strength, not create insecurities.
With this attitude, Sabine started a series of Instagram tutorials during the first lockdown, with the aim of surprising the viewer every time with an injection of color, fun and confidence. The videos were received with enthusiasm, but the same question always arose from Sabines' followers: “Where can I find makeup brushes that are high-quality, animal-friendly and reliable?”
A fair comment, because the right tools make make-up application more hygienic, correct and finer, making them an essential part of a kit.
Sabine set to work with these propositions and immersed herself in the production world of make-up brushes, where she could use her years of experience as a make-up artist to create the right starter set.
“A brush is an extension of your hand, so it has a major influence on the result of your makeup look.”
ELIN cosmetics was founded by make-up artist and beauty journalist Sabine Peeters. Since 2007 she has been working full-time in the beauty industry and has developed a style in which she wants to emphasize the beauty and personality of her clients. Makeup should give strength, not create insecurities.
With this attitude, Sabine started a series of Instagram tutorials during the first lockdown, with the aim of surprising the viewer every time with an injection of color, fun and confidence. The videos were received with enthusiasm, but the same question always arose from Sabines' followers: “Where can I find makeup brushes that are high-quality, animal-friendly and reliable?”
A fair comment, because the right tools make make-up application more hygienic, correct and finer, making them an essential part of a kit.
Sabine set to work with these propositions and immersed herself in the production world of make-up brushes, where she could use her years of experience as a make-up artist to create the right starter set.
“A brush is an extension of your hand, so it has a major influence on the result of your makeup look.”
Free shipping from 80 euro with purchase (BE) Free shipping from 120 euro (EU)!
is power
De make-upkwasten zijn van Japanse makelij en vertonen een unieke combinatie van functionaliteit en esthetiek. Ze zijn gemaakt van synthetische vezels en kopiëren hiermee op een diervriendelijke manier de kwaliteit van natuurlijke haren.
Instant Brush Cleaner
Met ‘On The Spot’ maakt ELIN Cosmetics het gevreesde reinigingsproces van make-upborstels sneller en makkelijker. Sprayen, afvegen, 30 seconden wachten en je kan ze weer hergebruiken of opbergen.
Zo simpel is het!
Wist je trouwens dat de spray ook verzorgende ingrediënten bevat die de haartjes van je make-upborstel verzorgt én verzacht?
Nu al een grote favoriet van menig make-up artiesten!
Je kent ons waarschijnlijk van:
“ELIN cosmetics is more than a brand,
it’s a community”
Makeup is a multi-facetted subject: we can experiment with colour, texture and shape. It also allows us to try out new trends or highlight and feed certain parts of our personality. Makeup can give you that last pinch of confidence to accentuate your favourite features.
With the right tools in hand, it is time for you to get started and try out these different facets.
And you don’t have to do this on your own! ELIN cosmetics is more than a brand, it’s a community that gives everyone the chance and the space to learn more about makeup. With our realistic tips and tricks, we let you develop your skills at your own pace.
mission statement
"15j lang had ik mijn eigen schoonheidinstituut en ik gebruik nog steeds alle dagen make-up.
Ik ben heel tevreden over de borstels van Elin Cosmetics!
De blush brush is zacht en perfect om een blosje op mijn wangen te krijgen, de poeder borstel voelt heel zacht op de huid. Voor de ogen gebruik ik nr 2 en 3 , daar kan je heel precies mee werken voor een mooie oogmake-up."
Martine Breugelmans
"Als make-up artiest is blending my cardio...en dan gebruik ik er graag de juiste tools voor, die ik vond bij ELIN Cosmetics. Het foundationpenseel is mijn absolute favoriet om klanten van een flawless huid te voorzien: de haartjes zijn super en verdelen het product perfect. Ze geven genoeg dekking maar zorgen toch voor een naturel resultaat. Met de schuin afgesneden vorm geraak je tot in de allerkleinste hoekjes, waardoor ik snel maar heel precies kan werken. Love it!"
Jolien Thieleman
Wanneer vroeger werd gezegd dat make-up borstels het werk voor jou doen, begreep ik het niet helemaal.... Tot nu... ELIN Cosmetics does the job....and more!"
Gewoonweg zalige kwasten."
Leen De Naeyer